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My Story


Emilie here! I’m here to share my story with you so you can get to know me a little better….
I’m a 40-year-old woman who recently embarked on a new chapter of life, relocating from the bustling streets of Southern California to the welcoming embrace of North Texas, all in pursuit of a fresh start alongside my beloved spouse… 
But my story isn’t just about geography; it’s about resilience, passion, and a burning desire to help others find their path to a healthier, happier life…
I want you to know that I’ve always carried a heart overflowing with kindness. I’m the type of person who would go to great lengths to lend a helping hand to anyone in need… 
I find immense joy in the simple pleasures of life, like spending time with animals, meeting new people, dancing to upbeat music, soaking up the atmosphere at events, gliding on the serene waters of a lake, the exhilaration of boating and jet skiing, immersing myself in the magic of movies, and the adrenaline rush of a soccer match… 
These are the moments that make life truly beautiful…
Life, as we all know, is a rollercoaster ride… 
It was a journey of joy and sorrow for me. My childhood was a treasure that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world…
As a child growing up, I faced a unique challenge that shaped my perspective on health and wellness… 
I was allergic to almost everything you could find on store shelves, from skincare products to household items… 
Whenever I came into contact with these everyday products, my body would react violently, breaking out in hives that covered me like a fiery rash… 
It felt as though someone had set me ablaze, and the pain was excruciating…
This early struggle with allergies, and the discomfort it brought, sparked a deep curiosity within me…
I began to question the ingredients in the products we used and their potential impact on our well-being… 
I couldn’t help but wonder why something as innocent as a shampoo or a lotion could cause such intense reactions…
However, a dark cloud hung over my family when my father’s life was tragically cut short by cancer when he was just 55 years old, 17 years ago… 
That moment was an indescribable tragedy that left a void in my heart…
Four years later, my life took another unexpected turn… 
My mother, the pillar of strength in my life, was involved in a work accident where a steel beam fell on her head. The aftermath was a relentless series of doctor’s appointments and tests, revealing a traumatic brain injury… 
I faced a stark choice: to leave my job and become her full-time caregiver or let someone else take on this daunting responsibility…
I didn’t hesitate for a moment. Despite having no prior experience in caregiving, I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else taking care of my mother… 
So, I embraced the challenge, the steep learning curve, and the emotional toll it took on me…
This experience was a turning point in my life…
After witnessing the pain and suffering my loved ones endured, I felt a deep calling to make a positive change, not just for myself, but for others as well…
Losing my father to cancer and witnessing my mother’s traumatic accident taught me that our health is a fragile gift that we often take for granted…
It was crystal clear that I needed to take charge of my own health for the sake of my future and those I care about…
My journey has had many ups and downs…but above all…it’s been a journey of growth and transformation…
Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and it’s our response to these challenges that define us…
Through the challenges I have faced, I have discovered a deep passion for others to live healthier, happier lives, free from unnecessary toxins and burdens…
Today, I stand before you as a health and wellness coach with a burning passion to make a difference in your life… 
My mission is simple yet profound: to raise awareness about the toxic chemicals that lurk in everyday products, foods, environment and even clothing. From shampoo and body wash to toothpaste, face wash, vitamins, and cleaning supplies, we unknowingly expose ourselves to a cocktail of harmful substances…
I’m excited to continue sharing experiences, knowledge, and positivity with all of you…
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my journey…
Here is to a brighter, healthier future for all of us!! 
Your Friend, 
Emilie 💕

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